POTUS…Obama Spending

Funny thing keeps happening to me on my way to write this weeks page. I keep tripping over incompetence either on the news or in my personal life (i.e. my doctors).

But, this time I was determined to get this story written. Before it begins to grow hair. So, without further delay.

President Bush…

       Expanded the Federal budget by $700 Billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $ 1 Trillion.

Began a string of expensive financial bailouts…President Obama is accelerating that course.

Created a Medicare Drug Entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 Billion in its first decade.        President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new government healthcare fund.

Increased federal education spending 58% faster than inflation.       Presidents Obama would double it.

Became the first president to spend 3% of the GDP on federal antipoverty programs…President Obama has increased this spending by 20%.

President Bush presides over a $2.6 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt) President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 Trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.

Come on people, do your own thinking…Paying it off with taxpayer money??? PRICELESS!!!!

It’s the way it’s always been in government. The rich become richer and the poor? Well the poor can always move to mexico, where they can live a better life

So ends the series “President of the United States” Come back next week to find out what I decide to do next.


Dallas, Why it happened!

You know a funny thing happened when I sat down to start writing todays installment of POTUS-Part VII, What President Obama spent all that money on.

I was watching the news and there was a Fox News program on with a story about the recent Dallas Texas shootings of 11 police officers, killing either 4 or 5, counts vary. At any rate, since it happened, there have been lots of news stories about it from lots of different sources.

Most of the really heated stories started after the police found the perp, and sent in a robot to blow the guy up. Over kill, I think not. Too many police officers already died. Anyway, do you know why that happened? Because of two people, Alton Sterling, shot in Baton Rouge Louisiana and Philando Castile shot in Roseville Minnesota.

 Diamond Reynolds was in the passenger seat, while her boyfriend, Philando Castile,  in the drivers seat and Diamonds  4-year-old daughter in the back seat. They were pulled over for a broken tail light. Diamond, after Phaldo was shot, decided to do  her live Facebook post right there in the car, with her boyfriend  car next to her…DYING. She wasn’t the least bit hysterical, flustered or even upset sounding. She just very calmly turned her phone on and spoke about the officer shooting her boyfriend four times in the arm, (in later video postings she couldn’t get the number of shots right 3 or 4 or 5)  like she was ordering a burger and wanted to make sure that the person taking the order understood fully what it was that she wanted. It wasn’t until the man was actually dead that she started to become upset.

My take away from this incident is …1st,  if the man had not been reaching around his back when officer knew that he had a gun, he probably wouldn’t have gotten shot. Then, 2nd is the officer, who was either a rookie or just somebody who was really cranky because all he had to do was to make sure that he had the gun before he asked for Philando’s license, registration and proof of insurance, all of which was in the man’s wallet, in his back pocket. Again, nobody gets shot.

I will just never understand why they put people into jobs, like police officer, who cannot think 2 or 3 steps ahead. I think that as part of police training a cadet should not be allowed to graduate until the cadets can beat the best training officer at chess. Because that is a game where you have to think two to three moves ahead. On the other hand, as part of the written driving test they should have some kind of evaluation that tests a person’s intelligence. Like an IQ test, because if your IQ is lower that your shoe size, you need not be driving, heck, you probably shouldn’t even be walking.

So in conclusion, People start thinking. You may have a permit to carry a gun, but does that really mean you have to carry it ALL the time? Officers start using the sense the good Lord gave you and stop acting like you haven’t got the sense God have a cabbage. It’s not a good thing to use your gun in the line of duty, if you just have to use your gun…GO TO THE SHOOTING RANGE!!!

Visit me Friday for “What President Obama spent all that money on”.

POTUS Part VI-Obama…

Here are just a few of the good things that President Obama has accomplished since being in office.

On his first full day, he froze White House salaries for the duration of the Great Recession-What is that…“If I can’t get a raise, neither can any of you?”

Within his first week, he signed an executive order, ordering an audit of government contracts and combating waste and abuse-Seen the movie “Dave” just once too often?

Created the post of Chief Performance Officer, whose job it is to make operations more efficient to save the federal government money-Oh Really?!??

He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT Spending and efficiency-WOW!!!

Held the first-ever town hall from the White House, and took questions from the public, He also became the first President to stream every White House event Live-He was the first President to have the technology in the White House to do things like that!

The economy has added more than 9 million jobs and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median.-These figures are a little misleading. A very large reason for the jobless rate to have dropped the way it has is because an enormous number of people, who looked for a very long time, to no avail, have just given up looking. It makes it look like those people were hired when in fact they are either on disability or being supported by somebody else.

There is one more thing that I believe should be mentioned…The National Debt. The U.S. Debt as of June 2016 is $19,230,634,229,070. that is up $8,613,757,180,157.00 from what it was when President Obama took office on January 20, 2009. I for one would be very interested to know what he spent all that money on. Wouldn’t you?

Next week…What President Obama spent all that money on.

Comng up…How that prior 2 or 3 presidents did with the budget. I can’t wait, Can you?