The analyze this…Cookbook

I have just put the finishing touches on my new cookbook. It is an Italian cookbook that is a little different from most I’ve seen. I am now looking for a traditional publisher who will believe, as I do, that my cookbook will sell and thus make any publisher a lot of money.

This cookbook, in reality, has been approx. 30 years in the making. Recipes from my family and friends along with some of my own, the recipes are broken up into each region of Italy, with information about the food in each region, including full color images. It also has recipes, with color images, from each region of Italy, as well as a section of recipes from Italian-Americans. These are recipes that you probably won’t find in Italy, but are everywhere in America. The analyze this…Cookbook also has a section about Italian liquors, Italian wines, a glossary of Italian cooking terms and a section about “Cooking techniques”.

The analyze this…Cookbook, by Laura Zambuto, can be purchased on smashwords, ibooks, as well as other places online.

It will be the last Italian cookbook you ever have to buy, You’ll love it.


President of the United States

I’m sorry, I know this is off the track of religious beliefs, but I wanted to let y’all know what I think should be the law of the land where the President is concerned.

I think that running for president so that you can get a lot of money, power and prestige, should never happen. You may ask “How are we going to know if somebody is running for those reasons”?

Well, first, there should be a limit on how much one person can spend on their campaign, that will open it up to people who, maybe, wouldn’t run because they’re not rich. I also believe that whoever wins the White House, should be paid a ridiculously low salary, that would weed out the money and power greedy and open it up to people who truly want to SERVE.

The job of President of the United States, in the beginning, paid $25,000 and if you compare that amount to now, say the pay didn’t increase, it would like being paid $100 a year. When George Washington was President, anybody who won the job, had to have a regular job and the job of President was in reality a second job, they wanted it because they wanted to serve this country, not because they were greedy.

I used to think that we needed a president who was rich enough not to have to worry about keeping the lobbyists happy, he could just serve this country and do it to the best of their ability. I still think that today, presidents worry too much about being all things to all people, because when they do that, they are not anything deeply authentic to begin with.

So, in closing, I believe that the job of President of the United States should be almost a voluntary position, with only people who truly want to serve our country running. I also believe that there shouldn’t be all this mud-slinging during a campaign. If a candidate throws mud at another candidate, he/she should be forced to drop out of the race. Maybe then we could have people who have no other choice but to discuss the issues. I know it’s kind of entertaining, but, I for one feel that if I want comedy I’ll go see a stand up comedian, I want to know about the candidate and what he/she believes in and wants to do while in office.

Those are my opinions, feel free to comment with your own.