Racism or Self loathing

Racism or Self loathing

Is anybody else as sick to death, as I am, of hearing liberals blame all the evils in the world on racism?

Think about it. If a person of color is pulled over by a cop they whine because to them it has to be because the cops are racist, it couldn’t possibly be because the person the cop may have just pulled over a person who was beaking a traffic law. If a cop questions a person of color on the street they whine because it has to be because the cops are racist, not because the person they just questioned was in any way displaying behavior that was in any way indicative of having something to hide.

I realize that being a white woman in America I may not have a lot of credibility in this area, but I do know what it’s like to be questioned by the police when I thought it was inappropriate. When I was in my mid 20’s I was questioned by a couple of cops because they thought I was a prostitute. Their reasoning? I was walking down the street at 9:30 am, from the video store, I was wearing a pair of sloppy, loose pants, an over sized shirt and because it was winter a long winter coat. I also didn’t have any make up on. Long story short, they questioned me and when they were finished I asked them how pathetic a prostitute I would be the way I looked.

But I never cried racism, and even if I were a woman of color I still wouldn’t have cried racism, because I wouldn’t have even thought it might have been racism. Of course I have never been that paranoid either.

I don’t believe that everything is about race.

In closing, I’m beginning to believe that the liberals don’t really believe that everyone is as racist as they say. I think that they are just filled with self loathing. I think that they hate themselves and are just looking for a way to validate themselves.

Please let me know if you feel the same way about it. All comments are welcome.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, I really appreciate it.

Nervous habits or OCD?

Does anyone else have any of the habits that I have? Allow me to explain.

I have 5 steps from my back porch to the ground and every time I go down those stairs I have to spell out m-i-c-k-e-y on the way down and m-o-u-s-e on the way up. I also know that there are 18 of my steps from the bedroom door to the back door. I roll my own cigarettes and after I roll each one I tap it down exactly 7 times. I can’t stand anything to land on the number six but love when things land on the number seven, even chews.

I am always thinking about what I would like my next life to be. I am so not liking this life at all, so I’m constantly begging Jesus to make me a stunningly strikingly beautiful girl, born under the sign Capricorn, with an iq of at least 155. I want to be super healthy with absolutely no malformalities, disfigurements, genetic abnormalities and absolutely nothing that will cause me any kind of pain. I want little lady hands and feet with skinny fingers and toes with no bunions, corns, hammer toes, callouses or even dry skin.

I have put a great deal of time and thought into what I want my next life to be. I even know that I want to be an anesthesiologist. Though I think that’s because they make somewhere in the ballpark of $400,000/year.

Does anyone out there see themselves in my description of myself?

Does anyone else live inside their heads like I do?

If so please send me a comment, I’d love to hear from you.


We used to view our sports heroes as patriots, but with this new wave of kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner, I can only be sad for them and disappointed in them.
They took a verse that is no longer even sung, a forgotten verse as it were, and used it to make a very unpatriotic statement. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for individualism, but for God’s sake we’re talking about patriotism and the flag here.

The verse that they are so up in arms about isn’t even about slavery, it’s about the British forcing slaves to fight for them against America, nothing more nothing less. But as with most liberals these people have blown it all out of proportions and are trying to get everybody upset about something that is nothing more than a misunderstanding.

There are precious few people in this country that we can look up to as patriots anymore, with the exception of our military, and I find that very unsettling and it makes me sad. Where have all our patriots gone? Where have all our greats gone?

Sports heroes used to be the people’s patriots, but now they’re gone. Bring back our patriots.

I’m beginning to think that the reason we have so few patriots is because we have so many liberals. Didn’t used to be that way. It used to be that people didn’t want to accept money from the government, didn’t want a free ride, wanted to work for what the got, and were proud of their achievements. Now, we have illegals coming to this country, not for a better life, but to collect welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and free housing. We have people who were too lazy to learn to read, people with bipolarism, depression, and anxiety collecting disability, nobody wants to work for anything anymore. Liberals just want a nanny state, so that they don’t have to do anything but watch tv all day long, and gripe about everything. If the only way they could get disability or welfare were if they were physically disabled or unhirable,  they would have less time to gripe.

I will never understand why liberals seem to have to make everything about oppression, and get everyone upset. I’m starting to believe that they just don’t have enough going on in their own lives, so they start in on everybody else’s to the point where we’re all upset.

Take the presidential election for example. These people hate Trump so much that some of the things that they did fell under criminal. One woman, I can’t even use the word “Lady”, took a sign with Trump’s picture on it out to the front of her house, in full view of her neighbors, dropped trout and defecated on it. In my mind that was a class free dumpster woman.

Liberals have been making stuff up about him ever since he won the election. When Obama won, did conservatives behave like that? No, we may have been upset, but we didn’t do anything about it, because we knew there wasn’t anything we could do.

We were adult about it.

The history of slavery…

I have heard many, many times about how African-Americans now want restitution for the fact that their ancestors were slaves in America, and truth to tell, I’m getting a little tired of it.

Why should anybody expect payment for their hardship? Does anybody even know where the word “Slave” came from? Well, I’m here to tell you.

The word “Slave” actually started out as “Slav”, i.e. a reference to the experience of millions of (white) Slavish people who endured centuries of slavery at the hands of African Muslims. Why aren’t their descendants getting restitution?

Yet the Slavish aren’t the only whites who spent centuries in captivity: Europeans of various backgrounds were enslaved by African Muslims as well.

All of this is heavily documented in such neglected pieces of scholarship as Robert Davis’s Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 and Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives. 

African-Americans were slaves here from 1620-1865, 245 years. The “Slavs” were slaves to African-Muslims for 300 years. In my opinion they deserve restitution more than the African-American slaves, yet not one of their descendants ever asked for it, why?

I’ll tell you why, they haven’t asked for it because their descendants know that 1. they themselves have never been slaves, and 2. the people who enslaved their ancestors are long dead, so who would they collect from?

These aren’t the only groups who were slaves, every nationality, or race has been enslaved at one time or another and in West Africa, they are still to this day enslaving people.

I’d say that there’s a lesson there for the African-American descendants of slavery. Remember, you have never been a slave, and the people who enslaved your ancestors are long dead, so please get over yourselves.

I truly believe the reason this country has so many problems is because people can’t seem to let anything go.


Is anybody else as sick to death of calling companies and government agencies and hearing menus in spanish and english?

Please, no cards, letters or emails. I’m in favor of immigration as much as anyone. After all it’s what made this country great. But, you only hear these menus in english and spanish, this country consists of way more than that.

How do the other nationalities feel, I wonder. They, I’m sure think that they aren’t important enough for them to be able to call places and hear their own language.

It’s not just immigration that’s made this country great, it’s immigration and assimilation. But with the help of bilingualism the government has made it easy for some not to assimilate.

We need to get back to the time when we had both immigration and assimilation. Because then nobody will feel like less than anybody else in this country.



America is known as the great melting pot, because of immigration and assimilation. However, with the help of bilingualism, Hispanics don’t have to assimilate. Call any business or government agency, and you will hear a menu in both English and Spanish.

My problem with this is simple. Hispanics are not the only people immigrating to America, but Spanish and English are the only languages that are acceptable.

With the governments help through bilingualism, Hispanics don’t have to learn English. The aren’t forced to assimilate into our great melting pot, and that isn’t doing any of them any favors.

Every other culture that immigrated to America, learned English to survive, and the reason is simple. If you want to live here, you must speak the language. And, they do, at least outside of the home.  What people do inside their own home, is none of anybody’s business.

Hispanics choose to come here illegally, and once here, we don’t make them learn English. We as a country, bend over backwards for them, making it increasingly difficult for them to assimilate.

I understand that learning English is difficult, and most ESL training isn’t free, but everybody else did it when they immigrated here, so why don’t the Hispanics have to?

I believe that if our businesses and government agencies are going to have their menus in English and Spanish, then they should also be in the other languages as well. That would only be fair.

If you know somebody who is Latino and doesn’t know English, help them to learn. In my opinion, if you are here you should either learn English or get out of the country. Just like every other nationality did.

The true history of the Democratic Party…

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history?

Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination. The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching’s, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.

The Republican Party, however, was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. Its mission was to stop the spread of slavery into the new western territories with the aim of abolishing it entirely. This effort was dealt a major blow by the Supreme Court, though. In the 1857 case of Dred Scott v Sanford, the court ruled that slaves aren’t citizens, they’re property. The seven justices who voted in favor of slavery? All Democrats. The two justices who dissented? Both Republicans.

The slavery question was, therefore, ultimately resolved by a bloody civil war. The commander-in-chief during that war, the man who freed the slaves, was the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln.

Six days after the confederate army surrendered, John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, assassinated President Lincoln. Lincoln’s vice president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, assumed the presidency, but Johnson adamantly opposed Lincoln’s plan to integrate the newly freed slaves into the South’s economic and social order.

Johnson and the Democratic Party were opposed to the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment, which gave blacks citizenship, and the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks the vote. They only passed because of universal Republican support.

 As historian Eric Foner, himself a Democrat wrote, “In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party”

 Later, President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, shared many views with the Klan. He re-segregated many federal agencies, and even screened the first movie ever played at the White House, the racist film “The Birth of a Nation”, originally entitled “The Clansman”.

A few decades later, the only serious congressional opposition to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, came from Democrats.

When their efforts to enslave blacks, keep them enslaved, and then keep them from voting had failed, the Democrats came up with a new strategy: If black people are going to vote, they may as well vote for Democrats. As President Lyndon Johnson was reported to have said “I’ll have those n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Democrats, is this the history that you want to teach your grandchildren? Is this what you want to tell them you are?

Well this is the true history. Like it or not, if you’re Democrat, this is your history. I personally wouldn’t want to have to tell my grandchildren that my party supported things like slavery, lynching’s, segregation, and worse. I would rather my grandchildren know that throughout history, my party, the Republican Party was against such civil rights atrocities, but that’s just me, maybe you Democrats are proud of your history. I wouldn’t be, but again, that’s just me.

If you have comments regarding this post, please write. I invite all comments to all of my posts, and will read every one of them.

The MIND Diet…

The mind diet is a little different from other diets, because it doesn’t make promises like, losing 15 pounds in two weeks, and, clean the toxins from your body. Instead what it does claim is that it will dramatically lower your chances for getting Alzheimer’s Disease.

In a study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago Illinois, researchers found that the MIND diet, a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets cut people’s risk by approximately 53%.

The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Mediterranean diet emphasizes ten brain healthy foods included in both the Mediterranean and DASH diets.

The diet consists of leafy greens, vegetables, berries, nuts, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and wine. At the same time, limiting things like red meats, butter and margarine, cheese, pastry and sweets, and fried or fast foods.

According to Kate Patton R.D. a registered dietitian with The Cleveland Clinic, it’s all about moderation. Even if you break the rules now and again it’s not the end of the world. The diet’s guidelines are extremely loose, and even people who didn’t strictly follow the diet, still reduced their risk of Alzheimer’s by 35%. Not bad huh?

I’m not sure what kind of success you will achieve in the weight loss department, but if you’ve had Alzheimer’s disease in your family history, maybe, this diet is for you.

At any rate, I believe, it’s worth a try.

Diet of the week II…

The South Beach Diet…The purpose of the South Beach Diet is to change the overall balance of the foods to encourage weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. The South Beach Diet says that it’s a healthy way of eating whether you want to lose weight or not.

That may or may not be true, I’m not a doctor and never claimed to be. The problem I have with this diet, is the fact that it eliminates an entire food group. Anybody who has eaten carbs as children will know what I’m talking about.

You eliminate carbs from your diet, and your body will crave them. You will have far less energy, and will end up fairly inactive.

That inactivity will never help your cause, at least if your cause is to lose weight. In theory, weight loss is simple…Just take in fewer calories than you burn, and you lose weight. In practice however, not so simple.

I believe that any diet that eliminates food groups is bound to fail, because if you don’t allow yourself carbs, your body will crave them, and then the first time you eat a sandwich, YOU’LL GAIN WEIGHT!

Try something else, anything else, like moderation. If you eat all things in moderation, your body will not crave certain foods, and you won’t gain weight the first time you eat those foods. Again, simple in theory, but also not too difficult in practice.

Read next week when I discuss the pros and cons of Jenny Craig and NutriSystem.

Hillary Clinton in the news

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the news, she’s back and blaming her loss to President Trump on everybody and everything, but herself.

First on her list is FBI Director, James Comey. According to Hillary, Director Comey caused her to lose the election by releasing a letter ten days before the election, reopening a second investigation into her email server.

Call me nutty, but isn’t that what we do in this country? When a crime is committed, isn’t it law enforcement’s job to investigate? Did she really think that the investigation would be dropped because of who she is?

Number two on the list? The Russians, accusing them of hacking the Democratic National Convention, and her campaign chairman, John Podesta, so they could release damaging emails to the public.

Again, maybe it’s just me, but if there were no damaging emails in the first place, there wouldn’t have been anything that the Russians could release.

Also, WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks, who had no connection to Russia or Russian hackers, was blamed for their publishing thousand of emails from her personal accounts, as well as John Podesta’s.

Again, if there were no damaging emails to begin with, there wouldn’t have been anything to publish.

Here’s an oldie but a goodie. Misogyny. I think women stopped using misogyny for their lot in life about fifty years ago.

She and Bill also blamed her campaign members (her senior campaign officials), for failing to push her message, not preparing her for debates, and not developing a viable campaign strategy in key swing states.

As far as I can see, there is only one person, who didn’t have a role in her loss. Hillary Clinton. In her eyes, she was the only innocent person through all of this.

In reality, she was the only one to blame, because if you lose, you’re the one who lost, you’re the one to blame.

If she can’t take responsibility for losing the election, what wouldn’t she take responsibility for, for the next four years if she had won. Even when Bill was president, the only thing she was worried about was the win. He cheated on her, and she didn’t even seem to know. If she didn’t know what was going on with her own family, why should we believe that she would be any more observant when it would’ve been her job to know what was going on around the world.

In my opinion, we dodged a bullet. If Bill could get away with cheating on her, lying under oath, and everything else he did, why should we believe that things would be different with her as president.