Diet of the week II…

The South Beach Diet…The purpose of the South Beach Diet is to change the overall balance of the foods to encourage weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. The South Beach Diet says that it’s a healthy way of eating whether you want to lose weight or not.

That may or may not be true, I’m not a doctor and never claimed to be. The problem I have with this diet, is the fact that it eliminates an entire food group. Anybody who has eaten carbs as children will know what I’m talking about.

You eliminate carbs from your diet, and your body will crave them. You will have far less energy, and will end up fairly inactive.

That inactivity will never help your cause, at least if your cause is to lose weight. In theory, weight loss is simple…Just take in fewer calories than you burn, and you lose weight. In practice however, not so simple.

I believe that any diet that eliminates food groups is bound to fail, because if you don’t allow yourself carbs, your body will crave them, and then the first time you eat a sandwich, YOU’LL GAIN WEIGHT!

Try something else, anything else, like moderation. If you eat all things in moderation, your body will not crave certain foods, and you won’t gain weight the first time you eat those foods. Again, simple in theory, but also not too difficult in practice.

Read next week when I discuss the pros and cons of Jenny Craig and NutriSystem.

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