
America is known as the great melting pot, because of immigration and assimilation. However, with the help of bilingualism, Hispanics don’t have to assimilate. Call any business or government agency, and you will hear a menu in both English and Spanish.

My problem with this is simple. Hispanics are not the only people immigrating to America, but Spanish and English are the only languages that are acceptable.

With the governments help through bilingualism, Hispanics don’t have to learn English. The aren’t forced to assimilate into our great melting pot, and that isn’t doing any of them any favors.

Every other culture that immigrated to America, learned English to survive, and the reason is simple. If you want to live here, you must speak the language. And, they do, at least outside of the home.  What people do inside their own home, is none of anybody’s business.

Hispanics choose to come here illegally, and once here, we don’t make them learn English. We as a country, bend over backwards for them, making it increasingly difficult for them to assimilate.

I understand that learning English is difficult, and most ESL training isn’t free, but everybody else did it when they immigrated here, so why don’t the Hispanics have to?

I believe that if our businesses and government agencies are going to have their menus in English and Spanish, then they should also be in the other languages as well. That would only be fair.

If you know somebody who is Latino and doesn’t know English, help them to learn. In my opinion, if you are here you should either learn English or get out of the country. Just like every other nationality did.