Well readers if you thought our government was spend happy before, wait till you read this…

SECURITYPresidents before 1997 enjoyed security for life. This was changed to only ten years for George W. Bush, but then retroactively returned to lifetime security. Lifetime security includes their spouses, and any children until age 16. But secret service can also decide autonomously continue security after.

PENSION-Executive Level One Pay, which is currently $199,000, in perpetuity.

TRANSITION-Presidents get six months of transition costs.

ALLOWANCE- President Clinton receives $580,000 for office rent, President Bush receives $80,000 for phone bills and $15,000 for President Carter’s postage, Paying in off  with taxpayer money…PRICELESS!

TRAVEL-Congress determined that former Presidents must travel as part of their civic duties, and are allowed $1 million in travel expenses. Again, Congress determines…Taxpayers pay..and pay..and pay!

HEALTH BENEFITS-Presidents receive health benefits for five or more years of Federal service and while it is ‘the same as Congress,’ they also get the added bonus of priority and use veterans hospitals. George HW Bush turned this down and Jimmy Carter is ineligible. I have always thought that while yes the sitting President should get the best healthcare, because he is after all the President, I don’t believe that ex-president should be afforded the same benefits. But here we go again, ON TAXPAYERS DIME!!!

BLAIR HOUSE (PRESIDENTIAL TOWNHOUSE)-The Townhouse is a perk that continues into retirement. The five-story building directly adjacent to the White House is used as a guesthouse for Former Presidents, and includes multiple dining rooms, bedrooms and is connected to the Blair House via a basement housing secret Service operations.

When I did the research for these last two pages, I was flabbergasted. I had no idea that we as taxpayers paid for so much. It is no wonder this country is in the hole that we are in. Seriously, somebody needs to say something to yahoos in Washington who think it’s alright to throw good money after bad this way.

Thank you for allowing me to opine today. I am grateful. Stay with me though because coming up next week…

What kind of job President Obama is doing compared to other Presidents.

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