Up until recently I had thought I had tried every diet known to man. The truth of the matter is that once I started researching diets for this site, I found out that I hadn’t even scratched the surface.

There are: The Mediterranean Diet, The Diet for your Blood Type, Jenny Craig, Atkins, NutriSystem to name a few.

The one thing that all these diets have in common, the one component that can make or break any of these diets, either make them work or fail or anything else in our lives for that matter is: The Human Component.  That’s right it’s you, and me. We make the difference between a diet working or not, between gaining in life or losing. Between getting what we want or settling for what somebody else wants to give us.

I am probably worse that anybody when it comes to throwing in the towel, but not anymore. I am going to pick a diet that I feel comfortable with and stick to it, a job I like, even if it means going back to school at 53 years old and finally, get what I want in this life.

Who’s with me? Who wants to take up the gauntlet with me? I will add a paragraph each week on my progress and you do the same, what say you?

Come with me people, what do you have to lose? Follow do the rabbit hole and see what wonderful things we can find.

More to come next Tuesday…

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