Celebrities with bad personal hygiene…

  1. Joan Rivers, I’ve read, has forgone deodorant for spraying her pits and clothing with Vodka and water, which she believes will ward off odors.
  2. Russel Crowe, the fact that Joan Rivers is the one that brought Russell Crowes B.O. to the forefront is truly strange, being that she seems to have the same problem.
  3. Robert Pattinson once told a UK tabloid that he has such a hectic schedule that he will only wash and change clothes when he, himself can’t stand the air around him. Can you imagine what that’s like for other people around him?
  4. Johnny Depp, even though Johnny Depp, himself, has never admitted having a hygiene problem, others have spoken about the fact that he doesn’t like to shower and goes days without one.
  5. Jessica Simpson, now here’s one you would never believe, but Jessica Simpson went on “Ellen” and admitted that she doesn’t like how slippery her teeth feel after brushing them, so she doesn’t. Jessica flosses and uses mouthwash but without brushing her teeth, she will surely lose them young.
  6. Matthew McConoughey, apparently hasn’t used deodorant in 20 years. Can you imagine how ripe he must get? Apparently, Kate Hudson, one of his co-stars, begged him to wear some and even offered to let him use hers, but was told by Matthew that women love his natural scent, because he smells like a man. Matt, there’s a reason woman like things like deodorant and cologne on men, we don’t like the caveman smell.
  7. Brad Pitt, here’s one you would never guess. Apparently Brad Pitt is so against regular showers that one of his co-stars had to teach him to wipe down with baby wipes to reduce the odor.
  8. Courtney Cox apparently was told that if she doesn’t stay ahead of it, she smells like a truck driver, which she apparently likes.
  9. Anderson Cooper has admitted wearing the same jeans every day without washing them.
  10. Cameron Diaz is always caught in stained clothes with sweaty pit stains. Cameron told Splash news that she wears the same clothes for four days and then discards them, she also admitted to not wearing deodorant for about 20 years. Yuk.

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