Reincarnation, who believes…


 In Hinduism, they believe that the enduring soul survives death, then spends some time, in the spirit world, and only then is brought back to earth in the form of a new body.

They believe that we are reborn into maybe the opposite sex, different life circumstances, or come back to a nonhuman body, like an animal form. They believe that all these are possible. Hinduism includes the entire belief in karma, the belief that the reason one is because of one’s behavior in their past lives. In the spirit world, earth life is undesirable and in order to avoid it, one must practice the religion in their daily lives and then eventually they will be released from the cycle of rebirth.


 Buddhists share some beliefs with the Hindus, but also have some beliefs of their own. Specifically, in Buddhism found in the Southern parts of Asia, their belief comes from anatta, which means substanceless, or now soul, which claims that there is no surviving entity that goes from one life to the next. Upon the death of the one personality, a new personality comes into being, like when the flame of one candle begins to die, it can still light another candle. When a person dies, another personality comes into being, basically it isn’t the same personality, but an entirely new one.

Shiite Muslims…

 A number of the congregations of Shiite Muslims in the Western Asia, in particular the Druses of Lebanon and Syria, believe in reincarnation, but their belief doesn’t include karma. But rather, they believe that God assigns souls to several lives in various situations that are disconnected from each other, until judgment day, when they are either sent to heaven or hell depending on the moral quality of their actions through all their lifetimes.  Another group to have this belief is the Alevis of Turkey.

Judaism and Christianity…

 While reincarnation is not a mainstream belief in Judaism and Christianity, it is the belief of some of their groups. In Judaism, the Kabbalah teaches that based on an esoteric reading of the Hebrew scriptures they do believe in reincarnation. Hasidic Jews  also include it in their teachings. In Christianity, some congregations, specifically, the Gnostic Christians, believe in reincarnation, and that some Christians in southern Europe did believe in it until the Council of Constantinople in 533 C.E. There is some support for reincarnation found in the passages of the New Testament book of Matthew, in which Jesus is seemed to say that John the Baptist is the prophet Elijah, reincarnated.

Ancient Greece…

 There were Greek philosophers that wrote much about the belief in reincarnation, beginning with Orpheus and with Pythagoras. After that there were Socrates, and Plato, whose beliefs regarding reincarnation became very influential, they taught that one’s soul is in fact, immortal and that the soul exists well before birth. They also believe that the soul is reborn many times. That each soul chooses its next life, guided by the experiences of the previous lives.

Aristotle, accepted the ideas of the teacher Plato, in the beginning, but later rejected the concept of reincarnation and immortality, becoming the father of materialism.

Native Americans and Inuit…

Many Native American tribes, along with the Inuit, specifically those in the most northern and northwestern regions of North America, believe in reincarnation. The detail have varied across various groups. Many don’t believe that all souls will be reborn, that it’s manly those who have had a premature death, such as children being reincarnated into the same family, or warriors reborn with birthmarks that correspond to their wounds.

Some believe in reincarnating from a human into a nonhuman, and cross-sex reincarnation. They also believe that a person can be reincarnated into several different people at the same time.

West Africa…

The belief in reincarnation is wide-spread among the assorted peoples of West Africa. Unlike Hindus and Buddhists, their general belief is that reincarnation is desirable and that earth life is better than a state of limbo. The difference is that they believe that people are reborn in to the same family and that their soul can split and be reborn in to several lives at the same time. A lot of people believe that a soul can harass a family by dying as an infant only to be reborn into that same family again and again.

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